
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oh Hey! I am kind of a big deal these days.

I am so tired of staring at the computer screen.  I worked on the school yearbook for 4 hours non-stop last night.  I still have a few pages left to do, but thank God it's due today, because I think I would be changing and moving things round forever.  #enoughalready
But I just HAD to let you know that I am officially a big deal.
I reached 200 followers via GFC yesterday.
And 150 on Bloglovin'.
I know what you are thinking, woohoo, yay rah, and other ho-hum noises. 
But my numbers have pretty much been the same for the last year give or take one or two, so I am excited about this jump!
I know "followers don't matter", "it's not a good measure of who reads your blog", blah blah blah.
You all know it makes you feel good!

Don't forget to enter our giveaway!  Paige and I, and several other bloggers have teamed up to give you the chance to win a $50 gift card to Starbucks!

 photo Sponsors1_zpsb6e64187.png

Jane // Elyse // Jen // Jenny

Happy Tuesday!  I hear it might actually make it to 50 degrees today. 

Hello Sperrys with no socks.


  1. Yay for the yearbook almost being done! Rearranging and designing a yearbook is a pain in the buns!!

    And congrats on your new following! That is super exciting!

  2. Ahhhhh! I'm excited for you! Congratulations! :]

    Btw. my favorite Starbucks drink would be Strawberries and Cream Frap. Those things are delicious.
