
Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekend whirlwind and lots of fried chicken

Last week was so unexpectedly busy!  It was also one of those weeks where the crappies outweighed the happies which is something that you never want! 
We had an awesome, but busy Valentine's Day weekend!
Friday we had Valentine's Day parties at school.  I'm pretty sure Valentine's Day with little kids is one of the best things ever.  Hearing them say "Happy Balentime's Day" just melts my heart, plus now I have enough chocolate in my desk to last me the rest of the year.  Unfortunately, most of said chocolate will go in my treasure box so I don't eat it.
I raced out of school Friday so that I could run a couple errands before getting home to get ready for the Florida Georgia Line concert.  When I finally got home I rushed to get ready, and we zoomed off to our favorite pizza place beforehand. 

We got to the concert just in the knick of time!
It was awesome by the way!  So awesome that it gave me a cold and a scratchy voice, but nothing that a little Emergen-C can't cure!
Saturday night we went to a dinner thing with my parents.  There was fried chicken and a comedian.  I was a little worried because stand-up comedy is not really my thing, especially if it is raunchy and explicit, but the guy was hilarious and kept the raunchiness to a minimum. 
Sunday we went up to Kelly grandparents for his Grandpa's surprise birthday party, where they had (you guessed it) fried chicken.  And this is why I am not skipping ANY workouts this week.  It was good to catch up with his dad's side of the family since we don't see them as often. 
Sunday night we finally got around to having OUR Valentine's Day.  Although neither one of us really felt like eating, but I was determined to make a fancy dinner! 
We had filet chateaubriand (whatever that means), roasted asparagus with balsamic and parmesean, spinach salad with strawberries and feta, and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  I was pretty proud of myself for cooking steaks without a grill for the first time ever.  I had to stick them back in the oven once we started eating them though because they were still moo-ing a little.  Nevertheless, they were delicious!
We ended the night by watching Walking Dead.
How romantic!



  1. That Sunday dinner sounds absolutely amazing!!!!

  2. Yum! I am salivating over your supper! I love all of those things!

  3. I love busy weekends! Yours sounds like it was awesome. :]
