
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why not lay here a little longer?

Happy Chilly Tuesday! I just can't make myself get off the couch to get ready for school yet.  I keep telling my self I will get up at 5:30.  Ok 5:45.  Noooo 5:50.  Can today be pajama day?

Caitlyn @ Enigmatic Ambiance has tagged me in her post, and now I have to answer her questions!  These kinds of posts are fun to do every once in while.
What is your dream job?
I would love to be a party planner or a wedding planner!
Tell me about your first kiss.  
Ummm that's ok.  My family reads this blog.  :-)
Do you have a favorite song?  What is it?
Currently, my favorite songs are:

What is at the top of your bucket list? 
To travel somewhere exotic.
I'm obsessed with dinosaurs.  What are you obsessed with? 
Glitter.  Anytime I can add a little glitter to an art project, I definitely take advantage.  I always have glitter stuck to my face somewhere or in my hair.
When is the last time you took a bubble bath?
I don't even know!
Would you rather live without TV or music?

Thats' hard!  Music because you can always listen t music on your TV! ;-)
Where is your favorite place to shop?  Can be an actual store or online.

Who is your bloggy crush? 

My new favorite blog to read is Chatting Over Chocolate!
What is your favorite Mean Girls quote?

"You go Glen Coco!"
Are you excited about anything?

I am excited for the Florida Georgia Line concert on Friday!

Thanks Caitlyn for tagging me!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone's post that I read has had the exact same thing about the music/tv thing. Didn't even think about it when I asked haha

    Also, I'm jealous that you are going to a concert! I have been wanting to go to one for so long. Just haven't been able to find someone to go with me or I didn't have the money at the time. Hopefully soon!
