
Friday, June 20, 2014

Big Apple Love

I'm back from New York and oh my goodness I loved it!  Going into this trip I honestly didn't think I would be a big fan.  It just seemed like it was going to be very stressful and busy with 12 people.  It was definitely busy, but not stressful at all!  I'm ready to go back anytime!

Just a side note...This post took me a week to write de to the obscene amount of pictures I had to sort through and upload!  So here it is...FINALLY!

Kelly's cousin and I waiting at the airport.  We had a wedding the night before so I was feeling a little under the weather...

Nothing a Bloody Mary couldn't cure!

We had dinner at a little pub upon our late arrival.

The new transportation hub at the World Trade Center.  It most definitely looks like an armadillo.

We took a walking tour around the World Trade Center Plaza.  Our tour guide used to work in a building that was right across the street from the World Trade Centers, so it was really meaningful to hear his first-hand account of what happened that day.

One World Trade Center.  We never did get to see  the top of it because it was foggy the whole week!

The Survivor Tree.  The only tree left standing after 9/11.

Kelly and I snuck off to a café for a Panini and a beer.  Something we did not regret!

Trinity Episcopal Church.  The oldest church in New York.  Also the oldest graveyard.

I stood in the same spot as the queen!
Next we were off to Wall Street to see the bull!  Oh how I love Snapchat!

This is the statue that was formerly in front the World Trade Center.  It's a little mangled, but it's surprising how together it still is! It now sits in Battery Park, where you get on the ferry to the Statue of Liberty.


On the ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

It was actually a lot smaller than I imagined it to be.

Times Square.

P.s.  Do you like my hair in all of these pictures? I only brought products to straighten my hair because it took up less room in my suitcase.  It turns out straight hair and New York don't mix.  It's way too humid! 

We went to the Cake Boss Café for some cannolis!

It was SO good!

The next morning we got up bright and early and walked down to the Today Show! 

We really wanted to have a sign but there was no poster board to be found in New York City.  We ended up with a dry-erase board.  Then once we got into the Plaza we realized that they have poster board and markers there!
We had a few brief sightings on TV when they scanned the crowd, but my real excitement came from meeting and taking pictures with my favorite news anchors!  Words cannot explain my excitement, especially when Hoda walked right behind us!

This sandwich.  I died.  Carnegie Deli is famous for their corned beef and pastrami, and also their giant portions!  This pastrami sandwich consisted of meat and bread...No cheese, no sauce, no anything.  It was quite possibly the best sandwich I ever ate.  I did order some Russian dressing on the side, but the MEAT.  I'm drooling.
The view of the Empire State Building from our hotel room.

Getting ready to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art...Art teacher heaven!

On top of the Empire State Building.

I am not afraid of heights, but I under-estimated how nerve-racking it is to be up so high and also outside.  The outside thing really made me nervous!

We stopped at the famous Macy's on our way back...Shopaholic paradise!

On our last night there the Empire State Building was all twinkly for the Rangers win. :-)


Take me back!  I'm in love!


  1. Love love LOVE NYC! Looks like an amazing trip! And ground zero is such an amazing yet emotional place. How amazing is that survivor tree?!

  2. Your post just made me miss our weekend trips to NYC when we lived in Philly. So fun!
