
Monday, June 23, 2014

Nothing Better

There really is nothing better than camping and good music.  That's what my weekend consisted of.  I spent last week  in Indy for a teacher's union conference.  My sister graciously let me stay with her, and we had some much needed sister time!  Friday night Kelly and our friends drove up to meet me and Saturday morning we headed out to the campgrounds for our annual Dave Matthews concert. 
We started out by going to Matt the Miller's Tavern on Friday night for good food and yummy drinks!

Saturday morning we headed out to the campsite to set up.  Some would ask if it's worth it to lug all the camping stuff and spend time setting it all up for one night, but I think they have never been or that wouldn't be asking that question.  :-)
Also I'm not naked.  (Bandeau top gets me everytime)

 That's my boy...always eager to have his picture taken.
The beer pong champs.

The beer pong losers.  Someone was not as excited to lose as I was.

 This is probably the only concert that I will ever go to where wearing makeup is not a priority and looking cute is not necessary.  Everyone is sweaty and dirty from being outside all day.  No one cares what they look like.  It's the best thing ever!
DMB love!  He played for almost 4 hours.  Pretty sure it was the best Dave weekend yet!

We got home just in time for the soccer game, after a 3 hour nap of course!

Have an AWESOME week!
Dateless in Dallas


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