
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Bucket List- Almost Done!

I don't have very much time left to finish my fall bucket list! I got a few things crossed off this weekend, but I have to get cracka-lackin'!  Fall is almost over!

This past weekend, we went on a nature walk.  Well really it was just a walk, but it was along the river, and there were a lot of pretty surroundings!  I also had some hot choclate yesterday!

Elyse's Fall Bucket List 2012
1. Go on a nature walk (take the camera!)
2. Bake apple dumplings.
3. Eat caramel apples.
4. Bake yummy pies.
5. Drink hot chocolate.
6. Go to a football game.
7. Go to a soccer game. (My family is definitely a soccer family)
8. Make chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
9. Paint and decorate pumpkins.
10. Have a bonfire with s'mores.
11. Go to the Fall Festival. (That's a big one here).
12. Have friends over for chili.
13. Drink apple cider. Maybe spiked? Hehe
14. Try a new fall recipe from Pinterest.
15. Make a fall wreath.
16. Wear a fall scarf.
17. Get out and wear fall boots.
18. Count my blessings and give thanks.

When we began our walk by the river, it was cloudy and very windy.  Then the sun poked through the clouds so then it was sunny and very windy!  I love going for walks along here. Although I have only done it 3 times since this trail has been constructed.  It is about 5 miles long so it takes some time! 

I also had some hot chocolate yesterday.  It was so yummy!  And especially nice because it warmed my freezing hands!
I have tried several new recipes from Pinterest, so I will share a one of my favs with you!
Jalapeno Cornbread Poppers
12 Med/Large Jalapenos
1 Box of Cornbread Mix (I used Jiffy)
1 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese (1 cup for the batter and 1/2 cup for sprinkling)
1 cup of corn (fresh or canned, I used frozen)
Slice each pepper down the center and remove all seeds and veins.  I soaked them in water to take a little bit of the spice out.

Mix up the cornbread batter according to the box instructions, add the corn and the cheese.
FIll each pepper half with the cornbread mixture.  Be careful not to over-stuff them!
Sprinkle the tops with remaining cheese. 
Place on baking rack and sheet pan.  Bake 350 for 15-20 minutes or until the cornbread is cooked through.
We dipped them in ranch and they were so yummy!  Not very spicy either!  I think soaking them in water really helped!
Please excuse my paper plate.  Sometimes a girl doesn't feel like doing dishes!
Also sorry there is no link to this.  I went back to Pinterest to get the link, and it was broken!
Just a few things left to cross off my list!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I'm feeling inspired to make a Holiday Bucket List now.
