
Monday, November 19, 2012

5 for Five

It was a long, tiresome week last week (see yesterday's post), and I am not even sure how I did because I can honestly say I didn't even try!   Good thing this is a short week! I'm going to give it another go with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One

 Here were my goals for last week:
1.  Finish the photobooks I have been working on before TuesdayI did actually finish them before Tuesday, but unfortunately, I was not able to use my Groupons on all of them because you can only use one Groupon per account.  Boo.   
2.  Keep track of how many calories I eat using the Lose It! app on my phone.  Not even close.  And I am not even going to try this week.
3.  Finish at least one crafty project.  I started a Christmas wreath, but I ran out of tulle.  Otherwise I would have totally finished!  I'm counting it!
4.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier.  I didn't even blog 3 times last week. 
5. Be able to set my alarm for 5:00 am 3 out of 5 mornings.  Since I was off 3 days last week, I was able to sleep in, which was nice since I was up at least past midnight every night. 
3 out of 5.  Not bad for not even trying!
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier.
2.  Finish the wreath I started working on.
3.  Help my mom cook on Wednesday night.
4.  Slow down and enjoy the holiday.
5.  Count my blessings.
I think I should be able to get those done!
Have a great week!


  1. Those are great goals! Enjoy cooking with your Mom :)

  2. Loving your goals for this week!! How awesome that you got 3 for 5 last week, too! I appreciate your linking up with us again this week! Can't wait to hear how you do :)
