
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Social- What I'm Thankful For

Instead of answering questions this week, we are talking about what we are thankful for in celebration of the upcoming holiday.
This week I am especially thankful for my grandmother.  She passed away on Thursday morning after having a stroke a little less than a week earlier.  It was a surprise to all of us, but she went quickly and suffered very little.  The upcoming holidays will be hard, since she was always a part of our Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, but we will make it though knowing that she is with my grandpa up in heaven. 
My grandma's picture should have been under the definition of grandma in the dictionary.  She spoiled us rotten, told us stories, and read us pop-up books.  She came to everything from Christmas programs at school, to birthdays, graduations, even first communions.  She never missed a chance to socialize!  We joked about how she wasn't that great of a cook.  We always had boiled hot dogs and creamed corn for dinner when we spent the night at her house.  Her pumpkin pie, although sometimes a little burnt, was a staple at our Thanksgiving meal.  I am thankful that I got to spend so much time with her throughout my life.  She will be missed by all!
Love you and miss you more than words Grandma!
I am also thankful for all of my family, friends, and co-workers who helped me to get through this week.  It was a very long week with not a lot of sleep, and I would have never made it without the support of those people.  I have to say that I really am surrounded by the best people!

I am thankful that I have a boyfriend who loves me and puts up with me no matter what kind of crazy mood I am in!  He even gets me flowers sometimes!

I am thankful that my dad decided to get a dog today!

His name is Dierks and he is too cute!  Something happy in these not so happy times for my family.

Source: via Brittany on Pinterest


  1. Hi Elyse, I came across your bucket list and then read this post. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother but you being thankful has rubbed off some positivity onto me today.. Thank you for making me reflect and be thankful for what I have too.

    Best, Ray

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I love the quote at the end of this post, it is one I remind myself of every day. Let the tears flow at Thanksgiving if you need to, they are healing.
