I am linking up today with Amber and Heather to talk about the little things we are thankful for! We are all thankful for the big things, like family, friends, our jobs, etc...this is about the other stuff we are thankful for...

Because how else would I have known about cinnamon roll pancakes, and decide to make them for myself because it's the day before Thanksgiving and what the hell. Except for now I am regretting that choice because I have eaten said pancakes, and now I feel sick.
These little vitamin C packets keep me healthy and help me fend off all the little kid diseases I come into to contact with every day. I swear by it. But don't ever run out and not take it, because then you'll get a cold, like I have now.
To bring me up at the start of my day.
To bring me down at the end of the day.
Raw stuffing-
Yes you read that right. The best thing to eat on Thanksgiving is the stuffing...Before it goes in the oven. My mom's stuffing recipe does not call for eggs, just celery, onion, dried-bread cubes, spices, and chicken broth. It gets all moist when you mix it up, and it's the best thing ever. And you are probably making faces at me right now.
On my Christmas tree, in my hair, on my face, on my floor. Glitter makes everything better!
Because it happened yesterday. We made teepees, wore them as hats, and sang a not-so-politically correct- song they learned in music class, and sent the video to the music teacher. I am thankful that sometimes I can relax and do totally random things with my students.
Then this happened...the reply video, and I am thankful for it too because it means that I have awesome co-workers...
And then...THIS HAPPENED- and I am so thankful/ excited. I might have done an "EEEK!"
A Teeny Tiny Teacher commented on my Instagram because the teepee thing was her idea in the first place, and I told her I borrowed it. It's the closest I've ever been to fame. Don't laugh!
Happy almost Thanksgiving!
Happy almost Thanksgiving!