It's almost summer! And by almost I mean 7 more days until summer! This summer I will be working for my dad and helping my sister nanny for a family she knows, as well as working at the Salon! And on top of that, I have so much I need to accomplish before school starts again! So I am linking up with Hadar @ Miss Kindergarten, Teri @ A Cupcake for the Teacher, and April @ A Modern Teacher for the My Summer Bucket List Linky Party!
Get ready! This is a long one!
Get ready! This is a long one!

Click on the pics to go to my Pinterest page
Center Organization
I have centers upon centers upon centers. They have all been tucked away somehwere on my USB drive just waiting to be printed off and used! Well I finally got a COLOR printer, so I have been working on getting them all printed out, laminated, and bagged up for safe keeping. Each center has a Ziploc bag that it is store in. Up until now, I had all of them stacked in a plastic crate behind my desk. Not good enough!
I found this idea for center organization on Pinterest and I couldn't wait to do it! I found some really cheap storage bins of all different sizes at Big Lots so I bought up all the blue and green ones they had! (I wasn't necessarily trying to match this exactly, but it just so happened that those colors were the only good colors they had!) Then the next day I went to the dollar store and they had a bunch of the same colors of containers for $1! I couldn't pass that up! So far I have the centers organized by subject (silent e, middle sounds, ending sounds, site words, etc...). Then I am going to organize them by catagories of The Daily Five. I ordered a bookshelf from Wal-Mart, but it hasn't come in yet! I can't wait to finish this's going to look so good!
Pencil Cups for Sharpened and Unsharpened pencils
There is NOTHING worse than teaching a writing lesson, and then NONE of your students have sharpened pencils. I want to have pencil cups where the students can trade there pencils in when they need a new one and put back the pencils that need to be sharpened. The plan is for there to be a cup at each group of tables. The group leader will pass out pencils as needed and collect the pencils and return them to the cup at the end of the lesson. Then I can sharpen the pencils after/ before school each day, I won't have to worry about that dreaded situation ever again!
Just a side note: Has anyone else noticed that all of a sudden all pencils are so cheaply made that they won't sharpen?!? They just break and break and break! So annoying!
Modge Podge Clipboards
Wouldn't these be cute for centers!? I know they probably would last very long since young kids like to pick on stuff, especially stuff they aren';t supposed to pick on, but I think I need them! At least one for me!
Crafty Crate Seats
I think these seem so much more convenient than real chairs at these types of reading tables! After the students are done using them, they can push them under the table so they are out of the way! And they are cute!
Daily/ Monthly Organization
I want to have drawers for my papers for each day. It makes a lot more sense than file folders. The folders get too full and then they won't lay the right way and the papers fall out...blah blah blah. This seems way easier! I also want to have one for my materials for each month (crafts, writings, worksheets), that way I don't have a drawer full of overstuffed files!
Those are the teacher-y things I want to do.
I actually have all of these things listed on a typed to-do list which is sitting on my desk with all of the pictures stapled to the back!
Here are the real life things I want to do!
Complete my book list which is about 10 books long! I think I can do it!
Here are some of them:
The Girl Who Played With Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
50 Shades of Grey Series
Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow
And a few Oprah books that I can't remember the names of.
Who desn't love a good Oprah book!?

Go to a Dave Matthews concert. Tickets- check! Can't wait until June 23rd!

Go to a Braves game! Chipper's last year this year! Still working on that one...

Go to Disney World! Tickets- check! We are going with Kelly's whole family!
There are countless other things that I want to do too (like visit my brother and bestie in Indy, shop, sleeeeeeeeep, go on lunch dates, have a picnic, etc.) but if I named them all, I would be here forever!
The summer will be over before we know it!
The summer will be over before we know it!

Your classroom is going to be amazing!!! I have my fingers crossed for you that the perfect full-time job comes your way soon! Have a GREAT summer (I feel like I'm signing your yearbook!)
OH! I love that organizing center! It is AMAZING! I am gonna have to do that project as well. Your post reminded me of all the things I wanted to do but forgot about.
Think, Wonder, & Teach
love the storage idea... and im going to disney this yearr yay...your background looks your newest follower...drop by
Just Wild About Teaching
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