The best thing about Halloween is definitely the costumes. Unforntunately as an adult, you just don't get to dress up like you did when you were a kid...especially a kid in the 90's. Here are some truly fabulous Halloween pictures from way back when.
Way back when the pumpkins were as big as you...And had weird looking noses.
And your brother didn't know how to hold a baby...
And your mom sewed your costume...
And you (or your dad rather) carved a pumpkin every year...(not pictured is when my parents tried to put me in this pumpkin. Tried being the key word. I wasn't having it.
Way back when no one cared if you were lady like... Kelly says I still sit like this sometimes. Oops
And we were just plain cute.
And brothers didn't know how to wear masks correctly...
And you could see my undies through my tights...
And I was a smoldering bumble bee...
And my brother was a fluffy clown...
A better time it was!
Happy Halloween!!!!!