Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pinsday Wednesday

It's Wednesday.  My favorite week day!  So I am sharing my favorite pins...all of which you can find here.
Pineapple Bars.  YUM.  I love pineapple!

I also love ice cream!

I need this dress.

And this phone case.

Crispy Spinach, Mushroom, and Avocado Quesadilla.  Looks almost as good as the one eat my favorite Mexican place!
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Funday Tuesday

I didn't have time to blog yesterday.  So here I am, doing the Funday Monday link-up on a Tuesday.
My mom and I traveled to Indy again to do some wedding planning with my sister.  Friday night we mostly just talked about some stuff out and decided on her colors, all the while eating and have some drinks.  She also tried on my mom's wedding dress, but I didn't take the picture on my phone, and forgot to send it to myself!
Saturday I had an all-day union meeting (which was the real reason why I went up there).  After that boring thing was over we went wedding dress shopping!  She tried on 5 dresses and decided to get the first one!  The place we went to was having a one day only, 20% off sale, and she was going to have to order a dress before Thursday to get it in time for her wedding in September, so she decided to go for it!
Saturday night we met up with my dad (who was also in Indy for some soccer games) and went out to eat at a place called Bourbon St. to celebrate the finding of her dress. 

Sunday we went to church with my sister and fiancée Andrew (will it ever not be confusing that our brother is named Andrew too?).  Then we had lunch at Shapiro's, where I had my first Reuben.  It may have been my first, but I'm pretty sure it will be the best one I've ever had.  

Then we packed up the pup and headed back home.

It started storming on the way home, and it has been raining ever since!

That's some spring for ya!
How was your weekend?


Friday, April 25, 2014

5 on Friday

Is it just me or does this feel like the longest week ever?  I am so glad it's Friday!  I am also so glad that I took the day off today.  It definitely pays off to save your personal days until the end of the year!  Plus there's only 23 days of school left!  Yippee!
Here are my fav parts of the week:
1.  I took one of my students to lunch yesterday,  She had been working to fill up her behavior chart for months so she could go out to eat with me, and she finally made it!  We had so much fun!
We had to take a selfie because she said that it was the best day of her life and she wanted to remember it forever.  How cute is that!?

(Disclaimer:  I know I probably shouldn't put this on here, but I just can't help it.  It's too cute!)
She was the same student who wrote an essay for an essay contest about why I was her favorite teacher...and she won!

2.  I got this random note from a student yesterday.
I am not sure why she said her name is FEDR13 but apparently she lost a tooth by eating food and it came out.
So funny!
3.  I am taking the day off today.  I am going to yoga, then a BBQ fundraiser, then my mom and I are headed up to Indy to help my sister plan her wedding, mainly wedding dress shopping!  I am SO excited!
4.  I found the perfect location for the bachelorette party!  We are going to go to Kentucky Lake and rent a big house and a couple of boats for a lake weekend!  I found the perfect house, and I'm emailing the owner back to reserve as soon as I post this!
5.  I went to the Right to Life banquet with my dad last night, and it was so inspiring!  Evansville hosts the largest Right to Life fundraiser in the nation in coordination with all Right to Life organizations all over southern Indiana.  The governor was there along with several other senators and important people.  It was awesome to see so many people gather together for such a great cause!  Unfortunately I did not take any pictures!
Have a happy weekend!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Makeup Organization

Every morning when I put on my makeup, it is inevitable that stuff will fall into the sink, dump onto the floor, and spill on the counter.  I just don't have a lot of counter space to work with in our guest bathroom. 
 (I do my hair and makeup in our guest bathroom because the prince is still sleeping when I get ready in the morning)
(Also another side note, if I had my choice I would really rather put on my makeup in my bedroom, in front on my full length mirror, while sitting on the floor.  There is just something about sitting on the floor really close to the mirror that makes my makeup look so much better!)
So this is what I have right now.
It's a tri-fold hanging pouch and yes it's very dirty "makeup-y" despite the fact that I do actually wash it every once in a while. 
When we went to Florida I took out all of my extra eye shadow in an effort to make my suitcase lighter (P.s. it didn't work), but I still haven't put it back in there because I kind of like it right there.
This could benefit from some organization of sorts for sure.

Here's some other news, I actually like my tri-fold bag.  Everything is in there and ready to go.  If we go on a trip or if I need to take my makeup with me for freshening purposes then all I have to do is fold it up and go.
So as beautiful and wonderfully organized as these are...

I really just like having everything ready to take with me at a moment's notice.
Because there is really no worse beauty tragedy than going on a trip and forgetting your Erase Paste.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Hippity Hoppity Recap

I hope all of you had a very happy Easter filled with lots of family and friends!
Friday was my mom's birthday!  It was such a nice day!
So instead of working out after school, I went to my parent's house and lounged in the driveway with her and a cold beer.  It was a decision that I definitely don't regret!

After a few beers we decided to get my mom's wedding dress out.  My sister has this crazy idea that she wants to wear it for her wedding, so naturally I had to try it on.  I could get it on, but it wouldn't quite zip.  It also smells like moth balls.  I told my sister that maybe wearing the veil would be a better option than wearing the dress!

Friday night I babysit my four favorite kiddos!  We played outside until it was practically dark, and then we dyed Easter eggs!

The older two are getting a little too old for bath time, but the younger two still love to ham it up in the tub!

Saturday night we went out to eat for my mom's birthday, then went back to their house to sit by the fire pit and have drinks.  It was a perfect night!

Sunday we got up early and went to church.  It was so nice outside!

After church we drove up to Kelly's hometown to have lunch with his dad's side of the family, then we drove home speedy-quick so I could make a cake to take to my grandma's for dinner.  The cake ended up being a disaster (meringue is not my friend), and I had to modify the recipe, but it turned out to be delicious! 
What did you do to celebrate my favorite spring holiday?

Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday Funnies

To power you through to the weekend...

All pins can be found here.
Have a great weekend and a happy Easter!

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