Ok you know when you read that post title you sang the Usher song.
I know I did.
And I still am.
These are my confessions
Just when I thought I said all I could say
My chick on the side said she got one on the way.....
I think I will love that song forever. And ever.
Happy Thirsty Thursday!
Let's have a drink with Trish @ Tales from Trish and Jenn @ Going to the Distance !

I cna't wait to try my drink for today!
Summer Punch

-2 bottles of Moscato
-1 can of pink lemonade concentrate
-3 cups of Sprite
-Fresh raspberries
This sounds so refreshing for a summer evening!
Now let's talk. About obsessions.

Bonnie at Living a Wonderfull Life is having a linky party to confess all of your obessions. I have a few current obsessions.
1. Forever 21-
I have always loved this store, but one just opened up in our mall this past month and OMG. I spent $112 there last week. I got a bunch of cute stuff! I can foresee this being really bad though because now I feel like I have to go in there everytime I go to the mall! I was babysitting the other day, and we had some extra time and were near the mall, so we went inside to play on the little playground there. This playground just so happens to be right next to Forever 21. It was so hard not to go in! I just kept staring inside trying to get a glimpse of the clothes!
2. My Cool Cup-
I don't know where this thing came from, but it has not left my side since I got it. One of my students got it for me for the last day of school. I'm sure you have seen them before. It's like a Tervis Tumbler only it has this gel stuff in side so you can freeze it, and it has a lid with a straw and grippies on the side. Nothing new, but I love it. (Still love my Tervis' though. I don't want to hurt their feelings.)
3. LOST-
I watched this show when it first came on, and I kept up with it for a good 4 or 5 seasons. Then I just got, well, lost. It got so weird and confusing and hard to keep up with. So I quit watching it. (It didn't help that I left for college and no longer had a DVR. Ahh the dorm life.) But the boy and I have started watching the seasons from the very first episode. I can't wait to watch every night! It's what keeps me going through the day! We are getting ready to start season 3, and it is not toooooo weird yet, but I think watching them all at once helps me put it all together.
Random side note: Did you hear about the zombie-like man that they found in Florida? I am not one to believe these stories (and I don't really think he is a zombie), but I have seen it in multiple places now! SICK!

I'll leave you with this picture so you can get that image out of your head.
Who doesn't love puppies and bunnies?
Happy Thursday!
Have a great day!