Happy Friday!
A few paint spills later...We made it! I feel like this has been the longest week ever. Probably because it's the first week since Thanksgiving that I have worked every single hour of the school day. And now I know for sure that the kids are crazy. Why? I'm not sure. Perhaps because they have not been on a normal schedule for several weeks.
I have had things happen in my room that have never happened in my room, like spilled water jars, "accidental" painted tables, and more painted shirts than I care to mention, including a winter coat that was green, but is now looking a little more red.
Let's have some positives shall we?!
1. There is a carry-in lunch today at school. The Soup-er Bowl Lunch. I made s'mores bars which might just be the best things ever. I can't wait to get my soup on.
2. We are going out with some people from my school tonight! Pizza and then a local 70's and 80's bar. Kelly is on board with the pizza...not so much for the bar, but there is still time to convince him!
2. We are going out with some people from my school tonight! Pizza and then a local 70's and 80's bar. Kelly is on board with the pizza...not so much for the bar, but there is still time to convince him!
3. Tomorrow we are going to French Lick, a nearby town that was once known for their sulfur springs with health perks. Now there is a couple large resorts, a casino, and lots of yummy restaurants there alongside a small town, a perfect weekend getaway, and a perfect way to spend my bestie Megan's birthday weekend!
4. Sunday is the Super Bowl, which I could really care less about, but it's a cheat day, and I like the commercials. We are going to my parents and my mom is trying out some new appetizers on us. Fine by me! Go Broncos, I guess?
5. I am starting a business! Sprinkles and Splatters is the name! You know those little painting parties that are popping up all over? Remember I went to one last week? Well, I was inspired, and I am going to be having those little parties starting in May! I have been going to these here and there, and decided that there is no reason why I can't do that! I am an art teacher after all. I have already booked my first birthday party for April!
I am only having one problem so far. I want to do canvas and door hangers, you know the big painted pieces of wood that you hang on your front door? Or on your wall perhaps.
I cannot find anywhere that sells these babies unfinished. I have checked etsy, all I can find on there are steel cutouts, and I have googled and googled it. I can only find small ones, like 2 inches wide small.
Now I am a crafty person, and I have used a saw before, but I am not sure that I am ready to cut these out myself. I wanted a good stock to start out with at least! Every party I been to with these door hangers has had a handy man husband that cuts them out for the wifey. This girl has used more saws than her man has so that is not going to work for me. Ha!
Anyone know of a place to get these?
I am VERY open to suggestions at this point.
Oh and have a fab weekend!