Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back to Business

Hey there! 

Remember me?

I know it's been a while...since last Thursday I think. 

 I almost forgot about this thing I think!

How was everyone's Memorial Day weekend?

Mine was a busy weekend with babysitting my favorite kiddos, going to the pool, and barbeque-ing (is that a word?).  I was also getting ready for my interview, which was today (more on that in a minute)!

It was such a nice weekend here in Indiana, but it was so HOT!  There was no better way to spend it than poolside!  I took my kiddos to the pool on Friday (I have a feeling I will be there a lot this summer...those kids are like fish!) and spent part of the day at the pool on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  I had to be careful though...I didn't want to be too crispy for my interview!

Then we went to a BBQ for lunch on Sunday at our friends' house.  

And a lovely steak dinner at my parents' house on Sunday night!

Lots of eating!

The cat also had fun laying on top of my car.  :-)  My clean car by the way.

I also spent Saturday afternoon and Monday night researching the most common questions asked in teaching interviews, and coming up with my answers to them (yes I know I'm a dork).  I was trying to be as prepared as possible!

I had 21 questions that are commonly asked in interviews for teachers.  I had well thought out answers for 20 of them.  It was late and the only question I had left was "In what ways do you encourage creativity in the classroom?"

"Oh well" I thought.  I can wing that one if they ask me, which I really didn't think they would because I had never been asked that in an interview before. 

So I go to my interview today, and they do the interview in 3 groups of 3 principals.  The first two groups went really well.  I answered all of my rehearsed questions spot on (they literally asked the exact questions that I had researched, word for word), and they said I did a really good job!  Yay!  Then I went to the third group, which was the principal at my current school (keep in mind there is a second grade opening there that I would really like to have), our new assistant principal, and another principal who I also knew. 

I got a little more nervous (which I didn't think would happen since I knew them). 

I'll give you one guess on the very first question my principal asked me.  "In what ways do you encourage creativity in the classroom?"  BOMB.  My mind went blank!  I made up some crazy answer on the fly, but I am not feeling that great about that. 

The next question he asked me was "What do you think makes a good principal?"  Not fair!  I had my answer all figured out to this question just like the others, but he is my principal!  That also threw me for a loop. 

I got flustered.

I still feel like it was a thumbs up overall though!  I know they take into consideration that everyone is nervous for those things. 

Anyways...I find out on Monday where they want to put me or if they want to put me anywhere!

Wish me luck!


Megan Wadsworth said...

Best of luck girl!

Jessica said...

I have been thinking of you and your interview - so glad to hear that it went (mostly) well! They definitely have to take into consideration that you are nervous! Plus, your principal knows you, so I'm sure that your past performance will outshine being flustered by some unexpected questions. Good luck!! I know it must be a pain having to wait until Monday, but I'm sure it will be worth it!!

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